Tata Steel Technical Standards
Tata Steel Technical Standards

Tata Steel Technical Standards

The Tata Steel Technical Standards are categorised by field.

This is also reflected in the numbering;

  • S1xxxx belong to the Mechanical Engineering field
  • S2xxxx belong to the Electrical Engineering field
  • S3xxxx belong to the Civil Engineering field

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Drawing Standards

Mechanical Engineering



Tata Steel Technical Standards

S1420101 Hydraulics


No Publication


S1471201 Media definitions - Descriptions and design principles of media and energy carriers present at Tata Steel
S1474001-General requirements for testing of pipe systems
S1768101 - Attachment A-Reservoir markings information
S1768101 - Attachment B-Reservoir markings
S1768101 - Attachment C - Pipe markings Rev.3.3
S1768101-The marking of medium carriers
S1920001-Height restriction barrier for piping over roads

S1930001-General rules and prescriptions for oxygen installations

S1930002 Additional requirements for designing oxygen installations

S1938101-Regulations governing commission- maintenance and operation of oxygen installations
S1938103-Regulations for ground work near oxygen equipment and piping

Cranes and means of transport


S1790001-New crane hooks
S1790002 Chain slings and eye bolts - eye nuts
S3105603 Inspection criteria for trolley beams and lifting points



S1300401-Ordering- realisation and inspection of new construction- repair of modification of pressure equipment
S1310100-Ordering- execution and inspection for new construction- repair or modification of storage tanks
S1450401-Execution and inspection of welding work
S1450401 KDT-FORM-019 Golden Weld Motivation
S1450401 KDT-FORM-032 Motivation Se75 thin wall
S1450401 KDT-FORM-045 Golden Weld Procedure
S1481001-NDT percentages for metal piping
S1917301-Application of colours and safety colours

Electrical Engineering


Civil Engineering


Tata Steel Technical Guidelines
Tata Steel Technical Guidelines

Tata Steel Technical Guidelines

De Tata Steel Technical Guidelines 

are categorised by field.

This is also reflected in the numbering;

  • R1xxxx belong to the Mechanical Engineering field
  • R2xxxx belong to the Electrical Engineering field
  • R3xxxx belong to the Civil Engineering field

You can register for the mailing list via



Mechanical Engineering



R1420100-Hydraulics-directive for suppliers, erection companies, managers and users
R1420101-Hydraulic directive  Part 1 Scope and application
R1420102-Hydraulics-directive Part 2 Hydraulic design
R1420103-Hydraulics directive Part 3 Selection of pumps
R1420104-Hydraulics directive Part 4 Selection conditioning equipment
R1420105-Hydraulics directive Part 5 Selection control valves  pressure valves
R1420106-Hydraulic directive Part 6  Selection cylinders and hydraulic motors
R1420107-Hydraulic directive Part 7 Selection measuring-, directing- and controldevices
R1420108 Hydraulics-directive Part 8 Selection piping
R1420109- Hydraulic directive Part 9  selection of seals
R1420110-Hydraulics directive Part 10 Appendix

Building-related installations (HVAC)

R1430100 Technical directive for heating, ventilation, cooling  and sanitary installations

Cranes and means of transport

R1510103 Lifting beams has expired, see new Standard S3201001 Lifting beams and lifting points.

R1105101-General and technical regulations for hoisting equipment (ATVH 2010)
R1105102-ATVK: Mechanical Specification for production Cranes
R1105104-General technical requirements for hoist cranes ATVT 2013
R1470101-Quality and certification requirements of belt conveyors


R1327301-Overview insulation and sealing materials for above ground piping systems
R1768401-Directives for connecting plastic pipes
R1810101-Flange assembly procedure and torque tables
R1850001-Gasket specifications
R1850101-Field of application and range of gaskets on the basis of Media

Follow the attached link to the Pipespecs and you will arrive at the Sharepoint Standaardisatie PTC:

Access to this Sharepoint is granted on an individual basis by:

Marcel Picavet   Tel: +31 (0) 251 498693
Tim Hartzema    Tel: +31 (0) 251 491318


R1410100-Pneumatic directive for suppliers- eraction companies- managers and users
R1410101-Pneumatics  Part 1  scope and application
R1410102-Pneumatics  Part 2  General
R1410103-Pneumatics  Part 3  selection air supply connection and conditioning
R1410104-Pneumatics Part 4  selection energy distribution (valves)
R1410105-Pneumatics Part 5  selection cylinders and air motors
R1410106-Pneumatics Part 6  pressure measurement and accessories
R1410107-Pneumatics Part 7  selection piping
R1410108-Pneumatics Part 8  selection of seals
R1410109-Pneumatics Part 9  appendix


R1490101 Oil and grease lubrication systems
R1600101 FEM calculations
R1784001-Inspection specifications for steel castings and steel forgings
R1784002-Inspection specifications for cast iron


Electrical engineering

Civil engineering


Third Party Use (TPU)
Third Party Use (TPU)

Mandatory & available agreements (TPU)

Regulations QHSE
Regulations QHSE

Tata Steel Regulations QHSE

Within Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V., regulations regarding quality, health, safety and the environment, insofar as they apply to the profit centers of Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V., are laid down in the Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) regulations.
Suppliers to these profit centers of Tata Steel IJmuiden B.V. must comply with these regulations.
The QHSE Regulations, insofar as they also apply to suppliers, have been published on the supplier portal
Access to this portal requires login credentials that can be requested through

Port safety and security information EN
Port safety and security information EN

Port safety and security information EN

Transport and logistics
Transport and logistics

Exclusion Zones

Exclusion zones 1







Exclusion zones 2







Rondom laad- en loslocaties van vrachtauto's ontstaan regelmatig gevaarlijke situaties waarbij mensen bekneld kunnen raken. Om aan deze onveilige situaties een einde te maken is besloten tot de Tata Steel IJmuiden-brede onmiddelijke invoering van "exclusion zones". Dit zijn gebieden waarin geen mensen mogen komen tijdens het laad- en losproces. Tevens wordt aangegeven waar de chauffeur zich dient te bevinden, de zogenaamde groene zone.

Door mensen te verhinderen in deze onveilige locaties te komen, zal het risico op ongevallen tijdens laden en lossen aanzienlijk worden verkleind.


Indeling Exclusion Zone












Invoering "exclusion zones" in IJmuiden

Op 22 december 2009 is in aanwezigheid van Theo Henrar de kick-off gegeven aan het project om "exclusion zones" aan te brengen bij alle laad-/loslocaties op de site van Tata Steel IJmuiden. Het project heeft betrekking tot wegtransport gerelateerde laad- en losactiviteiten van gereed product, halffabricaat, magazijn- en werkplaatsgoederen, schrot en grondstoffen. De laad-/losgebieden betreffen zowel binnen als buiten locaties.

Sinds 31 december 2009 gelden de "exclusion zones" overal op de site van Tata Steel IJmuiden.

Standaard toepassen kleuren:  S1917301 Toepassing van kleuren en veiligheidskleuren


Instructie chauffeur, veilig laden en lossen
Instructie vrachtwagen inspectie
Kick-off Exclusion Zones
Toolbox Exclusion Zones
Vraag en antwoord Exclusion zones

Instructiekaarten chauffeurs (all languages)

Hieronder staan de instructiekaarten m.b.t. het veilig laden en lossen en het parkeren van vrachtwagens in 25 verschillende talen.



Road regulations

De Road Regulations beschrijven de eisen die Tata Steel stelt aan het wegtransport van Tata Steel producten.

Deze voorschriften gelden voor alle transporten naar buiten vertrekkend van de Tata Steel terreinen in IJmuiden, Duffel en Segal Ivoz Ramet. Deze voorschriften gelden ook voor transporten met Tata Steel materiaal vertrekkende vanaf locaties (bijvoorbeeld magazijnen) buiten deze Tata Steel terreinen.



Tata Ports and Warehousing standaards

Het externe opslaan van producten heeft een directe invloed op de kwaliteit van die afgewerkte producten geleverd aan onze klanten. Daarom vraagt Tata Steel ​​zijn partners de kwaliteit van haar producten hoog te houden. Dit document voorziet richtlijnen voor ontvangst, behandeling, opslag en verzending van Tata Steel materiaal op goedgekeurde opslagvoorzieningen. Hoewel uitgebreide maatregelen zijn genomen om te voorzien in deze richtlijnen, moeten ze worden behandeld als minimale kwaliteitsnormen en vrijwaart het de opslagfaciliteiten niet van het nemen van aanvullende maatregelen om de kwaliteit van Tata Steel producten te garanderen.

TSE Global Ports and Warehousing Standards V3.0



Video file

EN-HSSE-IJmuiden-Contact block

HSSE IJmuiden Contacts

Questions about obtaining a BIN



All questions about Health, Safety, Security & Environment

T: + 31 (0) 251 493030

Questionnaire BIN Suppplier:  Application form BIN

Visiting address office HSSE
Adrescode 2H-14;  2nd floor

Tata Steel Strip Products Mainland Europe B.V.
Afdeling Health, Safety and Environment
Postbus 10.000
1970 CA IJmuiden
Adrescode 2H-14;  2nd floor

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